St. Edmund's College
"Facta Non Verba"

Leading the way since 1923
Shillong - 793003 | Ph:0364-2224533 | Affiliated to NEHU |


St. Edmund’s College, Shillong has a vision that is enshrined in the motto of the College: “Facta Non Verba” which translates “Deeds Not Words”. It aims at imparting equitable quality education grounded on the core values of excellence, competition and ideals. The College also stands on the principles advocated by Edmund Ignatius Rice, the Founder of the Institution.


The College endeavours to create a stimulating environment in the Campus through various academic programmes and co-curricular activities in order to develop character, shape personality and build in a sense of social responsibility among our young men and women. As the college prioritises learning, teaching and sharing of knowledge, education is therefore perceived as a potent vehicle that works towards transforming attitudes and mind-sets for the good of one and all in the society in particular and the world at large.

Educational Goals and Objectives

      We, the Staff of St. Edmund's College, are convinced that Education has the potential to transform society and thus we commit ourselves to:

    1.   Working together to create a NEW SOCIETY where people would accept each other as brothers and sisters
          under the common parenthood of God.
    2.   Accepting religious and cultural pluralism in the conviction that "Unity in Diversity" is part of God's plan for
    3.   Creating an environment where the all-round development of the individual is promoted with dignity, principally
          through right relationships with God, with others and with the whole of creation.
    4.   Collaborating with all people of good will in order to usher in a more just, peaceful and compassionate climate
          in society.
    5.   To assist the poor and oppressed in their own advancement and development.
    6.   Inspired by this Vision and operating out of the conviction that we are called by God to partner Him in the
          creation of this NEW SOCIETY, we will share this vision with our students and past students and their parents,
          so that the college community has a common motivation.
    7.   Through Value Education sensitize our students to social needs.
    8.   Educate our students to be open to all religions, promoting inter-relatedness leading to integration.
    9.   Sensitize our students towards ecological preservation and restoration.
  10.   Provide opportunities to our students to reach out even more to the underprivileged, the marginalized and
          those oppressed by social and gender restrictions.
  11.   Promote flexibility and innovativeness to make our courses of study more occupationally relevant.