St. Edmund's College
"Facta Non Verba"

Leading the way since 1923
Shillong - 793003 | Ph:0364-2224533 | Affiliated to NEHU |

BIF under BTIS NET funded by DBT

The Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) for biology teaching attached to the Biotechnology Department of the college was established in 2009 under BTISNET programme of DBT, Govt. of India. The centre facilitates the use of databases and software's packages required by the undergraduate biotechnology students and teachers with an aim to provide up to date accurate information in the field of biotechnology and bioinformatics.

The centre also provides services such as online bibliographic references search through network, offline literature search through CDROM server, electronic mail, internet, statistical interpretation of research data, training programmes, workshop on bioinformatics and current awareness services etc. Since its inception, the centre has been engaged in organizing workshop, trainings and also has published many publications in peer reviewed journals. The main area of specialization is protein engineering, environmental biotechnology and bioinformatics. The centre invites all the students of the college and the nearby areas to make use of the facility developing their IT skills.