St. Edmund's College
"Facta Non Verba"

Leading the way since 1923
Shillong - 793003 | Ph:0364-2224533 | Affiliated to NEHU |


Some activities of the Alumni Association:

(i) The members of the Alumni Association (SECUDA) took all the right initiatives to secure financial aid from the Government of Meghalaya to organize the Study-Tour Program of the Life-Sciences Departments.

(ii) It sponsored 500 mementos for the felicitation function of the Graduating Classes.

(iii) It jointly sponsored the construction of the Stage, Pandal and Ramp for the Annual “Young Talent Time” function cum Prize Distribution Ceremony.

(iv) The members of SECUDA were actively involved in the preparation of Project Reports and Concept Papers for the CIC and DBT findings.

(v) The members of the SECUDA were actively involved in the organization of the National Seminar on “Look South – A Meghalaya Perspective”.

(vi) The members helped organize funds, presented papers and conducted different sessions as Chairpersons.

(vii) It sponsored a number of College Week programs like Cross Country Race, Cycling and helped with logistical support.

(viii) The Alumni supported the College for a free medical check up of all the students of the College by providing Doctors and medicine.

(ix) The Alumni from time to time assisted the outreach programmes of the College by giving medicines for medical camps and other support.

(x) Participation in Annual College Week Programmes and other programmes of the College.

If you are an alumnus of the college, please register yourself by clicking Register