While a holistic approach towards education has been the asset of the College, yet the way by which the students can be judiciously judged and their performances can be recognized are basically through the medium of Examinations. Therefore the College has chalked out methods related to both the Internal and Final Examinations:
1. At the beginning of the academic year, students are informed about the examination pattern that they must adhere to in an academic year – Internal Tests and Final Examination.
2. The Final Examination schedule is provided to the students as and when the same arrives from the University. Information of the Examination is displayed in the Notice Board and the College Website.
In case of any error in the Examination schedule, with regards to the combination of subjects, etc, the College authority makes it
a point to write about such errors to the affiliated University at the earliest.
3. The students are also apprised about the Internal Tests ranging from assignments, paper presentations, student seminars, quizzes, etc.
The schedule of these form of tests are at the discretion of every individual teacher, who informs the students well before hand.
4. To ensure the smooth functioning and conduct of the Final Examination, two to four invigilators are assigned to each hall depending on the size of the room.
5. Internal tests and assignments are usually verified by the Head of the Department to ensure that the standard evaluation process is being adhered to by the teachers’ of the department.
6. Corrected tests and assignment scripts are distributed to the students for their perusal.
Any discrepancy or grievance, if there may be, is brought to the notice of the teacher concerned. Such grievances are addressed immediately.
7. Any information regarding filling of registration forms and paying of examination fees as well as the last date of submission are put up on the College Notice board and College Website.
8. Students are free to approach the administrative block in case they face any difficulty in filling the registration forms.
9. With regards to their Admission Cards, in case of any error, the College authority and administration are quick to address the problem at the earliest possible time.
10. While the College provides information to the students about re-checking and re-evaluation schedule, the faculty members guide their respective students who wish to send their papers for re-evaluation.
For the purpose of addressing any unfair means indulged by the students during examinations, the College has empowered the Examination Cell/Grievance Cell to look into the matter. The Cell comprises of two – three senior members from amongst the teaching staffs with the Principal as the head of the Cell. Any malpractices and unfair means used by any student in the examination hall is to be brought to the notice of the Examination Cell/Grievance Cell by the invigilators on duty. The Cell members are empowered to deal with the student as per rules, regulations and guidelines chalked out by the committee concerned/the University.
Internal Examination Schedule - 2021
The present members of the Examination Committee are as follows: